Month: October 2016

Draw a Thing 10/18/16: Harvey the Cat + Color Chart

Sketched, inked, and then watercolored a picture of our cat Harvey. I messed up a bit while drawing his mouth unfortunately, so he has more of a cartoon cat expression than a normal cat expression :/. Color chart painted for reference for the sake of knowing what each color looks like on paper. I was also pleased to see that the watercolor pigment doesn’t bleed through to the next page. The water itself does though.

Draw a Thing 10/17/16: City Street

Bought some cheap watercolors off of Amazon and tried something new. I don’t think I have watercolored since oh, elementary school so crappy painting is crappy but was super fun to do! I figured that: If I made the drawing itself awesomely detailed enough, it would look half decent even if I did an ass job at painting it in. The problem was that interest in this one started petering out about the time Netflix happened. Also the cat, and the husband, and leftover cake, and getting work stuff ready for tomorrow, etc etc. :/

Also, painting with the weird plastic squeezy brush thing as it turns out, is harder than it looks. Maybe I’ll use a page or two of printer paper to practice brush strokes or something so they look less chunky and more smooth-like. Goal: Practice watercoloring and markering more, git gud, buy nicer markers and watercolor supplies, git guder, repeat.

Worth noting that sketchbook paper doesn’t make the best watercolor paper but good enough for my purposes. It actually doesn’t bleed through all that much unless I use a LOT of water; Certainty way less bleeding than the markers.

Baby Toes: Part II

Yay my plant is flowering. Unfortunately, the only time that I can see it bloom is on the weekends when we are actually home during the day. Now that the days are getting shorter, it is just dark enough for the flower to be both closed when I leave for work and closed when I get home from work. :/

Draw a Thing 10/12/2016: Dwarf #Inktober

No things drawn last week or the week before (save for the Rooster drawing) by virtue of Dwarf Fortress obsession. Super quick pencil drawing then inking of a dwarf; Just a random dwarf, no dwarf in particular. That said, some rather interesting events have transpired in my current fortress. I may illustrate them if I feel so inclined.

Bonus picture of the fortress vomit crisis:

Fenestraria Aurantiaca (Baby Toes)

I have been looking for this plant on-and-off for a while and had finally found one back in March at one of the San Diego Succulent Society’s sales in Balboa Park. Lowe’s or Home Depot usually has them but they are usually picked over, overwatered, and seem to have a fairly high chance of dying off..

I don’t 100% know how to effectively care for these succulents, but I do know that they are very sensitive to overwatering. I potted them in a mix of cactus/succulent soil and placed them in the full sun. The general idea is to make sure that the soil drains as fast as possible to reduce any possibility of moisture being retained. The rule of thumb that I use is to wait until the soil has been completely dry for a few days before watering and even then to only water very very lightly. It’s fairly warm here in the summer so I end up giving them a splash of water about once a week. I will probably reduce watering when it starts getting colder.

They have gotten a bit bigger and are in the process of budding (and not splitting or keeling over) so I will take that as a good sign.